Give Your Child A Head Start In Life In By Choosing A Good San Diego Preschool the Whole Idea Of Enrolling Your Child In A San Diego Preschool Is To Start Introducing Him/her To The World Outside The

Nevertheless, a good preschool will make sure that your son or daughter develops the important social, emotional and intellectual skills needed to thrive in this world.

A high-quality Chula Vista preschool will teach your child how to express himself/herself.

– One thing to look for in a preschool is whether they teach language skills and encourage early literacy. Ask whether the teachers read to the pupils daily both in groups and individually. Take a look at the video below for more info:

The best Chula Vista preschool program consists of reading activities where the kids are allowed to join while the teacher reads rhymes or stories with repetitive phrases.

– Furthermore, the kids should be encouraged to speak with their classmates and their teachers throughout the day. Note how the teachers respond to kids who speak aloud to themselves during playtime.

A good teacher will know better than to interrupt or discourage this private speech.

– See whether the kids are encouraged to talk about their day. Preschools with teachers who reprimand kids about making up stories should raise red flags.

– Visit the school and see for yourself whether the teachers let young kids scribble on workbooks. Beware of preschools with well-stocked shelves carrying books that look brand new and untouched.

This may mean that theyre only there as props.

– That said, not all preschoolers are ready to read or write and when pushed too early, they may end up developing an aversion to reading. So determine your childs level of readiness then see if its compatible with the schools curriculum.

The best preschools in San Diego will provide just enough reading and writing challenges for under-fives to succeed.

The ideal Chula Vista preschool program will teach your child to learn about and respect various cultures.

– One thing to check when looking for child care in San Diego is their social studies program for preschoolers. The best schools will teach kids about their own communities.

This will help children appreciate and respect their home cultures while also understanding the experiences of their peers in other cultures and places.

– Likewise, a good school should inform your child about national events and world events that may be of interest to him/her. This will help your little one recognize and appreciate the interconnectedness and similarities between humans from different parts of the world.

The best child care in San Diego will not shield your child from the world but will help him/her how to live in it.

– Look for a well-balanced Chula Vista preschool program, which does not just focus on science and math but also on outdoor learning and imaginative play.

Computers in the classroom are fine but there should be plenty of time for creative expression. Look for props and spaces for drama plays and ask if the school has safe outside activities like planting.

– Determine whether the preschool has sufficient high quality toys for associative play. See if the kids can use these toys to mimic real world scenarios like playing shopkeeper, house, baker, doctor, etc.

By playing cooperative games like shopkeeper, they will learn the fundamentals of math as they buy and sell stuff from each other just as they will learn the value of performing household chores when they play house.

More things to look for when searching for the best preschools in San Diego

– Another thing to look for in a San Diego preschool is whether the meals they provide are healthy and nutritious. What he/she eats in school will inevitably affect his/her food preferences at home and in turn, his/her diet choices as a grownup.

– The most ideal preschool is one, which reflects cultural diversity and fosters respect and harmony between families of various cultures. Ask about the schools family programs.

Are there sufficient opportunities for the parents to communicate and offer each other child-rearing support?

– Does the teaching staff know how to involve you in your childs education? Do they offer open channels of communication between the home and the school?

Inquire if the educational staff has training in family engagement.

In preschool, computers are just as important as crayons, books are just as essential as blocks, and getting a little dirty outdoors is as vital as learning how to clean up ones own messes.

In conclusion, its best to opt for a school, which offers the perfect balance between early literacy, creative learning and cultural awareness. All these will give your child a good head start in life.


Williams, S. (2008). 5 Traits of a Good Preschool. Retrieved from:

Magellan Development Group. Qualities of a Great Preschool. Retrieved from:

Great Schools! (March 24, 2016). 10 signs of a great preschool. Retrieved from:

Naeyc for Families. A Good Preschool for Your Child. Retrieved from:

Bright Horizons Family Solutions. How to Choose a Preschool. Retrieved from: